Liquid Chrome pump marker 2mm 703102

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LIQUID CHROME™ - the 20 years edition!

The long-awaited, liquid chrome is the unique result of a long-term advancement of the BURNER™ ink. For the best mirror effect on smooth and non-absorbent surfaces.

There's already a big hype about these markers. The highly pigmented special ink creates a real mirror effect, which leads to high enthusiasm in the modelmaking, graffiti, hobby- und D.I.Y. scene.

期待已久的液態鍍鉻是BURNER™墨水長期發展的獨特結果。 在光滑和非吸收性表面上能夠獲得最佳鏡面效果。
關於這標記已經被大肆宣傳。 高度著色的特殊油墨創造出真正的鏡面效果,使用在模型製作,塗鴉,興趣D.I.Y.
Liquid Chrome pump marker 2mm 703102
Liquid Chrome pump marker 2mm 703102
Liquid Chrome pump marker 2mm 703102
Liquid Chrome pump marker 2mm 703102
Liquid Chrome pump marker 2mm 703102
Liquid Chrome pump marker 2mm 703102
Liquid Chrome pump marker 2mm 703102
Liquid Chrome pump marker 2mm 703102
Liquid Chrome pump marker 2mm 703102
Liquid Chrome pump marker 2mm 703102
Liquid Chrome pump marker 2mm 703102
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